B O O M !!!

Vancouver Island is being pounded by storm after storm after storm after…you get the idea.

It’s not fun.

Several communities have experienced floods.

We experienced a huge tree taking out a power line at the end of our street.

B O O M !!!

That’s the thunderous noise of a transformer blowing.

As well as sending a huge thank you to the team of dedicated BC Hydro workers who performed a winter storm miracle and got us reconnected, I offer wisdom gleaned through the ordeal of living off the grid for a few hours.

1. I need to invest in a car charger for my cell phone so I can surf the net (and play 2048) the next time a tree blows over. (I had to shut ‘er down before the battery completely died so I’d have some juice left over for the next day.)

2. Don’t wait until you’re out of cookies to bake more. A tender ginger Christmas cookie or three would’ve made the darkness so much less creepy, but my boy took the last one in his lunch that morning. 😦

3. Someone as nervous as me should surround herself with light, laughter and flowers instead of anything even remotely related to Stephen King. After watching Storm of the Century with my sailor last weekend, I was terrified Andre Linoge would come tap, tap, tapping on our door because, you know, bad things always happen when you’re in the dark.

4. A Chihuahua is really easy to trip over in the dark. Enough said.

9 thoughts on “B O O M !!!

  1. A chihuahua- or 18,000 cats, myriads of smiling toads, and two tiny rabbits in my case…dark or light- I am bound to be tripping over them no matter what…I have no idea how I have managed to survive this long after all that constant falling…

    Glad your power was fairly rapidly restored. Very entertaining read as always, and many important lessons learned for the future 😉 Hope the skies are settling down a wee bit! BLAST! Regards,

    Autumn Jade

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